Specularum Merchants

Konar "Hardmouth" Kurinwarf Wharorkres of Clan Wyrwarf, Lawful Dwarf Denwarf ♂, a member of the Merchants' Guild known for being dogmatic but suspicious. Konar is a member of the Karameikos faction and operates a warehouse. Konar has an old tapestry with geometric motifs hanging on the wall behind the counter.
Johanna von Totenfuss, Chaotic Human Heldannic ♀, a member of the Tailors' Guild known for being forgiving but greedy. Johanna is a member of the Radu faction and operates a tailor's workshop.
Shalara, Neutral Elf Vyalia ♀, a member of the Leathersellers' Guild known for being loyal but violent. Shalara is a member of the Radu faction and operates a beltmaker's workshop.
Teledieth, Chaotic Elf Vyalia ♀, a member of the Scriveners' Guild known for being generous but lazy. Teledieth is a member of the Torenescu faction and operates a herald's office. Teledieth always keeps a loaded crossbow under the counter.
Tekesmira daughter of Flis Binbottom, Lawful Gnome Highforge ♀, a member of the Carpenters' Guild known for being forgiving but lazy. Tekesmira is a member of the Karameikos faction and operates a cabinetmaker's workshop.
Konin Dwaltowarf of Clan Everast, Neutral Dwarf Denwarf ♂, a member of the Apothecaries' Guild known for being cautious but suspicious. Konin is a member of the Karameikos faction and operates a alchemist's workshop. Konin has married a foreigner from Ylaruam.
Dwalur Balarwarf Durursyr of Clan Everast, Lawful Dwarf Denwarf ♂, a member of the Apothecaries' Guild known for being peaceful but unreliable. Dwalur is a member of the Independents faction and operates a barber's shop.
Arkadia Serganov, Lawful Human Traladaran ♀, a member of the Hunters' Guild known for being courageous but open-minded. Arkadia is a member of the Marilenev faction and operates a licensed hunter's practice.
Constantine Antonius, Lawful Human Thyatian ♂, a member of the Tailors' Guild known for being peaceful but suspicious. Constantine is a member of the Radu faction and operates a tailor's workshop.
Grygory Vasilov, Neutral Human Traladaran ♂, a member of the Leathersellers' Guild known for being cautious but deceitful. Grygory is a member of the Radu faction and operates a shoemaker's workshop.
Yuri Feodoros, Neutral Human Traladaran ♂, a member of the Carpenters' Guild known for being courageous but suspicious. Yuri is a member of the Marilenev faction and operates a housewright's workshop.
Maerlinn daughter of Blasmyr Belnoise, Lawful Halfling Clanless ♀, a member of the Leathersellers' Guild known for being generous but unreliable. Maerlinn is a member of the Karameikos faction and operates a beltmaker's workshop.
Cartha Yarev, Neutral Human Traladaran ♂, a member of the Blacksmiths' Guild known for being honest but unreliable. Cartha is a member of the Torenescu faction and operates a blacksmith's workshop.
Bundysar son of Ogam Gallidox, Chaotic Halfling Clanless ♂, a member of the Brewers' Guild known for being honest but lazy. Bundysar is a member of the Marilenev faction and operates a brewery.
Curtina Theodoia, Lawful Human Thyatian ♀, a member of the Leathersellers' Guild known for being forgiving but suspicious. Curtina is a member of the Radu faction and operates a shoemaker's workshop.
Lucas Vladovich, Lawful Human Traladaran ♂, a member of the Bowyers' Guild known for being courageous but suspicious. Lucas is a member of the Independents faction and operates a fletcher's workshop.
Jothiir son of Horlalsar Roughleap, Chaotic Halfling Clanless ♂, a member of the Vintners' Guild known for being cautious but deceitful. Jothiir is a member of the Vorloi faction and operates a wine shop.
Brodgira daughter of Aza Bladderwobble, Neutral Gnome Highforge ♀, a member of the Hunters' Guild known for being cautious but suspicious. Brodgira is a member of the Independents faction and operates a licensed hunter's practice.
Poros Simiov, Neutral Human Traladaran ♂, a member of the Magicians' Guild known for being generous but suspicious. Poros is a member of the Marilenev faction and operates a tower.
Servianus Aelianus, Lawful Human Thyatian ♂, a member of the Blacksmiths' Guild known for being dogmatic but suspicious. Servianus is a member of the Karameikos faction and operates a blacksmith's workshop.